Sunday, 25 May 2008

Friday night at home

After finishing up at YouthLaw around 6, I went to Lynmall to get the rest of the props I needed. I got pens, paper, notepad, lunch stuffers for the students' bags etc. I headed home to mum's place - she's in Singapore now - and tried to get a dinner prepared for Greg (Camera man) and Tamara (Sound), it didn't work out too well, I burnt the garlic and smoked out the house in a matter of 5mins. The pumpkin wasn't quite ready yet (from the garden) and the lamb chops wern't fully defrosted. The brocolli had gone off. I ended up with mashed potatos, chops (turned out ok actually!), peas and pita bread. Meanwhile Greg and Tamara called about 4 times in various stages of being lost in the Auckland suburbs - they claimed that Kaurilands Road wasn't in their Auckland map - but it must be? Why wouldn't it?

Eventually, we established the location of Atkinson Road and they found Kaurilands off that, arriving to a smokey house and half prepared dinner.

After having dinner and getting them settled in, we went over the script together. Greg pointed out that from the script, we would be looking at more like a 10-15 minute film - not a 3 minute one that we'd talked about previously. He explained that it would be pushing it to shoot a 15 minute film in only a weekend. I explained that because it would be going on the Internet and only appear in a small screen on a website, the quality didn't need to be 100%. We talked about it and he said that he was happy to give it a go. After he saw the production schedule I'd made, he seemed more relieved that it would be possible.

I showed them the videos from Thursday's rehearsal and that also gave Greg some confidence in the cast being able to perform tomorrow, with little preparation.

They went to bed and I finished up preparing for tomorrow - checking all the props were ready, scripts and timing.

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