Thursday, 29 May 2008

The Knife - Sunday 1pm at Unitec

Greg, Tam and I stopped off at Kebabs on Queen on the way to Unitec. We were running a bit late, so I called Grahame to let him know, and called security to make sure there wouldn't be any delays once we got there.

We did the Principal's office scene without any problems, though I was getting tired after a big lunch. I was getting cranky and just wanted to go back to bed by now!

Luckily, at the end of the Principal's office scene, we did Grahame's rap, which was funny as. I hadn't planned it at all, but based on the script, Grahame had made a rap about the story, it was funny seeing an old guy with a cap on backwards and a stereo on his shoulders, rapping. It totally picked my spirits up and was ready to keep going!

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