Thursday, 29 May 2008

The Knife - Sunday, finishing up at the flat

Eventually we finished the shoot at the flat. Things went well, but I certainly know to pick a location carefully next time - the noise meant that the footage wasn't perfect, but at least we had enough room to move around in. Everyone left in good spirits. Greg, Tam and I went to Gabor's place to copy the footage on to his computer. We still couldn't get it across. Greg's camera is a professional broadcast camera, and it was difficult to find the right drivers to get it to work. Eventually we got it connected to Gabor's mac and started the copy - about an hour for each disk. It was already midnight, Greg took Tamara home and came back after the first disk had copied. Then we did the second disk. Gabor had a presentation to do the next day, so I didn't want to keep him up too late. We left around 2am and went back to Mum's place. We arranged to come back on Monday to finish the copy. I felt bad about this - I didn't want Greg and Tamara to have to stay for another night - they had planned to be back in Hamilton for Tamara's course at 11am.

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